Zombie Love

  • Follow along with Gina as she walks you through how to make this super fun zombie!

    Materials Needed:

    1)ProPaint in White Swan, Raven Black, Alien Green, Tropic Teal, and Mega Genta
    2)Modeling Wax or Glue Stick
    3)Translucent Setting Powder
    4)Eye Shadows in Dark Jungle Green, Bright Violet, and Black Smoke
    5)Face painting brushes

  • Hello! Let me introduce myself.

    My name is Gina Sanchez and I’m based in Dallas, Texas. I’ve been painting for about three years now. I first got into face painting one Halloween when Desi Perkins did a dripping skull look that went viral. I immediately went out to buy my first set of paints and I went to town! I haven’t looked back since and since then I’ve researched and studied so many different and amazing artists. I invested in my first professional paints–Graftobian’s ProPaint, and they have really helped my artistry over the years.

  • Step 1

    I started out by gluing down my eyebrows for a smoother look. I set it with translucent setting powder,and covered it with concealer. Alternatively, you can cover your brows with modeling wax, set it with setting powder and paint over it.

  • Step 2

    Next, I drew my outline with Graftobian’s ProPaint in Raven Black. I filled it in with Graftobian’s Tropic Teal, giving the zombie it’s main color. I shaded and contoured my face with eyeshadows.

  • Step 3

    Using Graftobian’s ProPaint in Raven Black, I outlined and filled in my eye sockets. I left the bottom of both sockets unfinished to shade and blend out using eyeshadows.

  • Step 4 and Step 5

    Next, I used Graftobian’s ProPaint in Mega Genta to create some bold eyebrows and added a bit of depth by using dark purple eyeshadow.

    Using Graftobian’s ProPaint in Raven Black, I started working on the nose. The sinus cavity outline somewhat resembles an upside down heart but the tip has been squared off. Notice the placement by the nostrils.

  • Step 6

    I painted one side of my lips with MegaGenta and then used a dark green eyeshadow to shade and add dimension around the eye sockets.

    Now to my favorite part–teeth! Using Graftobian’s ProPaint in White Swan, I began to sketch out the teeth, angling them upward for a more realistic look. Next, using ProPaint in Alien Green, I painted in gums.

  • Step 7

    For more dimension, I added green eye shadow around the edges of the Tropic Teal. Next, I used Raven Black to add thin lines around the teeth before creating gum structure.

  • Step 8

    The line work is when the zombie really comes to life. I used Raven Black to outline the brows, sockets, and around the body.

  • Step 9

    Saving the brain for last, I used Mega Genta again to fill in the top of my forehead. I made sure to shade the bottom where it meets with the Tropic Teal for a seamless look. Then I used Raven Black to outline where the brain matter would be.

  • Step 9

    Saving the brain for last, I used Mega Genta again to fill in the top of my forehead. I made sure to shade the bottom where it meets with the Tropic Teal for a seamless look. Then I used Raven Black to outline where the brain matter would be.

  • The Final Look

    Here we are with the final look! I wig-capped my hair and threw on this super cute lavender wig. I also popped on some lashes and put in some green contacts.

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